Dr. Abdul Nasir*, Gazala Fatma, Naziya Neshat and Mohd Aftab Ahmad
Ustukhuddoos is named on „Stoechades‟ a group of Islands on the south coast of Gaul, where this shrub is basically grown. Scientific name of Ustukhuddoos is Lavandula stoechas Linn and belong to family „Lamiaceae‟. It is very popular drug and also called “Jaroob-e-Dimagh” (broom of brain) in unani medicine, because it remove the black bile from the brain, give strengthens and improves the brain condition. Many of the unani physicians like Jalinus, Dioscorides and Ibn Sina have also described in their books about the morphological characters, temperament and medicinal uses of Ustukhuddoos. There are a number of pharmacological actions of this drug such as Munaqqi-e-Dimagh (Brain purifier), Dafa-e-Tashannuj (anti-convulsant), Mufarrah-e-Qalb- wa- Dimagh (exhilarant of heart and brain), Muqawwi-e-Aasab (nervine tonic) Dafa-e-Sauda (evacuation of black bile), Jaroob-e-Dimagh (brain scavenger) etc, and it is used in several ailments such as nisyan (dementia), malankholia (malancholia), waja-ul-qalb (angina pectoris), suda-e-muzmin (a chronic headache), falij (paralysis), laqwa (facial paralysis), zo’af-e-dimagh, sahar (insomnia), anxiety, depression, sidr (Giddiness) etc. This review paper covers the pharmacognostic character, phytochemistry, pharmacological activities and therapeutic approaches of Ustukhuddoos (Lavandula stoechas) in the perspective of unani literature.
Keywords: Ustukhuddoos, Lavandula stoechas, Jaroob-e-Dimagh.
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