Dr. Vipul Parmar, Dr. Geeti Parmar, Dr. Vishal Thakur, Dr. Seema* and Dr. Ramesh Kaundal
Background: Incisional hernia is the 2nd most hernia after inguinal hernia.this is common complication after abdominal surgeries. This complication can be managed by better preoperative patients evaluation for high risk patients and by adopting a proper surgical technique. This study was undertaken to study the incidence and various risk factors leading to incisional hernia. Method: It is a prospective study done in Indira Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal; Department of Surgery during January 2017 to January 2018. All the cases were analyzed in various aspects like age, sex, relative incidence, clinical presentation, nature of previous operation, site of previous scar, precipitating factors like obesity, wound infection, abdominal distension. Results: Out of 63 pts 43 were female and 20 were male. Incidence was highest in the age group ranging from 45 to 60 years. Out of 40 females majority of them (32) were house-wives and male patients were suffering from prostatism. Incisional hernia was more common in patients with previous history of lower abdominal surgery. Most of the patients presented with incisional hernia in the infra umbilical region. Conclusion: Incisional hernia is a great burdon in surgical OPD and which increases the morbidity and resource uses. Incisional hernia can be preventable by adopting better surgical skill, avoiding midline incision, taking care of patients in postoperative period to prevent wound infection especially in genitourinary surgery. Proper preoperative skin preparation and antibiotic prophylaxis is helpful in preventing post operative wound sepsis. Comorbid condition should be addressed preoperatively.
Keywords: Incisional hernia, Incidence, Prevention, Risk factors.
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