Dr. Poornima Jalawadi
Pain is the chief cause of visiting a doctor in most patients. It is known as Ruja which is one of the synonyms of disease. It disturbs physical and mental status of a patient. Pain is cardinal symptom in most of the Vatavyadhis. Owing to multiple factors related with changing lifestyle, undue pressure to spinal cord plays key role in low back ache which later extents to radiating pain. Gridhrasi is such a Ruja Pradhaana Vatavyadhi. In Gridhrasi intense shooting pain equated with the disease sciatica in modern science. Gridrasi one among the Nanatmaja Vikara, specific Nidana and Samprapti is not explained in classics so the general Vata Vyadhi Nidhana Samprapthi. All the Ayurvedic classics including those written in medieval period have described the aetiopathogenesis and symptomatology of Gridhrasi in concise form. Surprisingly, the description narrated in these classics exactly coincides to the description of „Sciatica. Sciatica is one among disease which is gaining more and more attention of scientists at global level. Hence in this paper an attempt is made to review the concept of Gridhrasi from various classical texts and compile them.
Keywords: Gridhrasi, Sciatica, Shoola, Stambha.
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