Dr. Praveen Raghuwanshi*
The traditional Ayurvedic system is astoundingly complete with its eight branches of specialties covering a vast field of medicine ranging from General Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics etc, up to Geriatrics. Rasa Shastra that is Indian Alchemy is a partially independent branch of Ayurvedic Medicine, which deals with metals and minerals to produce the drugs with higher efficacy in lower doses with good palatability. It is the pharmaceutical branch of Ayurveda and Rasa drugs that are used for treatment of various disorders are mainly herbal, animal and mineral origin in nature. In present scenario Rasa drugs comprise the major share among prescriptions of Ayurvedic physicians because of the success of treatment mainly depends upon quality of medicine prescribed to the patient. However, scarcity of raw materials is forcing the pharmacists to compromise in quality of make, which in turn is rendering the total system to disrepute. Kasisa is one of very common and most widely useable mineral origin Rasa Dravya, belonging to Uparasa Category of Rasa Shastra as per texts of Indian Iatrochemistry. Chemically it is FeSO4 .7H2O and known as Green Vitriol or Iron Vitriol. The external as well as internal usage of Kasisa are commonly practicing by Rasa physicians for many disorders like Iron Deficiency Anemia, Amenorrhea dysmenorrhea, Premature graying of hairs, leukoderma and others Skin problems, Therapeutically Kasisa can be found in various Herbomineral formulations like Kasisa Bhasma, Kasisabadha Ras, Khageswar Rasa, Raja Pravartini Vati etc. The Bhasma of Kasisa mainly acts on blood, uterus, liver, spleen, stomach and intestines and have properties of Hematogenic, Digestive Stimulant, Emmenagogue and Anti-spasmodic.
Keywords: Rasa Shastra, Kasisa, Heamatogenic.
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