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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Charles Ntungwen Fokunang*, Dobgima John Fonmboh, Estella Tembe Fokunang, Bissou Mahop, Lovet Benyella Fokunang, Thérèse Bwemba Abong, Michel Disake Mbarga, Jeane Yonkeu Ngogang, Robert Njana, Ejoh Richard


Doping is an old tradition in sports and has continued to be lucrative as sports become competitive motivation, with greater financial rewards and fame. The youths of resource limited countries and the globally have increasingly engaged in drug consumption in schools and in the community. Doping is now a public health concern in Cameroon and has prompted the state to step in for sensitization of the danger of consumption of substance of abuse not only for sports but for other uses.Cameroon's Minister of Territorial Administration recently, has called for combined efforts from Cameroonians to fight against illegal drug trade and abuse which he said is gaining grounds in school milieu especially in the commercial capital and urban towns, Drug abuse is growing in the city, in primary schools, colleges and even universities, and there are a lot of drugs circulating among the students. There is the need for the state to sensitize with the local population and have an evaluation of investigating the sources of substances of abuse. Illicit drug abuse and trade is dangerous for sports and is the cause of crimes and corruption, which hinders socio-economic development and also causes huge losses to individuals and families. In low income limited countries, there is a need for information to provide baseline assessments of new trends in drug abuse. This information is useful in making decisions on allocating resources to tackle drug abuse problems. The United Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNIDCP), in collaboration with the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCA) and the World Health Organization, mapped out countries in Central Africa sub regions in which to carry out a rapid assessment of drug abuse. This paper reviews the stakes and challenges of doping in resource limited coutries for competitive sports, illustrate the profile of drug use and abuse, give an insight into ways of diagnostics, and control strategies.

Keywords: anti-doping, doping, resource limited countries, ergogenic aids, competitive sports, WADA.

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  All Since 2019
 Citation  3086  2560
 h-index  18  17
 i10-index  64  44



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