Lydia Ferrara*
The increase in esophageal gastro reflux pathology among the population of all ages, as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle and diet, showed the presence of a more severe symptoms than common digestive symptoms. The purpose of this review was to highlight the relationship between various reflux symptoms and respiratory diseases. Gastro-esophageal reflux disease is determined by a reduced muscle tone of the lower esophageal sphincter (cardias) which causes the gastric content to rise to the esophagus until it reaches the pharynx, oral cavity and airways. This is a pathology that can be present at any age, but especially the elderly and obese patients. When medical therapy and a suitable diet are not sufficient for healing or when extra-digestive symptoms occur, especially of a respiratory character, it is necessary to resort to surgery, conducted in laparoscopy, which consists of a procedure, known as fundoplication, during which a part of the stomach is sutured around the base of the esophagus, exactly where the cardias resides. The purpose of the intervention is to oppose increased resistance to the rise of food towards the esophagus and as a prevention to the appearance of esophagitis.
Keywords: Reflux, Pathology, Hiatal hernia, Respiratory syndrome.
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