Dr. Rashmi B. V.*, Dr. Rekha K. B. P. and Dr. Kalpana
The movement of dosha, dhatu, mala in the body with respect to digestion and metabolism occurs through the srotases(channels). Srotas are those channels which transports and transforms the substances to respective tissues, cells of the human body required for life sustenance.[1] Based on their anatomical and physiological functioning they are broadly classified into 13 types by Acharya Charaka, the main motto of the srotas is to nourish and sustain the dosha, dhatu, mala of the body.[2] The movement inside the srotas is decided by the chala guna pradhanata of dosha and dhatu. As the dhatu’s are classified as sthayi and asthayi dhatu. Asthi dhatu is an sthayi dhatu which is predominant in pruthvi(earth) and anila(air) mahabhutas. Asthi saara purusha (predominant of bony tissue) are endowed with aayushmanta(longer life span) and attain susamhata shareera( proportionate body). Asthivahasroto vikaras are abundant in day to day clinical practice. Hence diagnosing the same is the need of the hour.
Keywords: Asthi dhatu, Asthivaha Srotas, Pariksha parameters.
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