Dr. Kedar Athawale*
The COVID-19 pandemic affected the whole world, with over 80,00,00,000 cases and 17,00,000 confirmed deaths reported to date. India alone has more than 1,00,00,000 diagnosed patients. Such widespread outbreaks are associated with adverse mental health consequences. No preventive medicine or vaccine availability and incidence of sudden deterioration of the health condition and death are the two factors which seem to have increased the fear about the disease. This has lead to varied mental and psychological issues which need to be studied. Available evidence suggests that symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress are common psychological reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of my study is to try to find the behavioral and psychological changes in CoVid-19 infected patients who had been quarantined. In conclusion, mental health problems are a common response to the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a need for more research about the issue and find the ways to avoid it as well as plan to treat the issues.
Keywords: COVID-19, Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Public health.
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