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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Dr. Aneri A. Gosalia*, Dr. Shah Mona U., Dr. Doshi Yogesh S., Dr. Cauvery N. K., Dr. Vidhi Kevadia and Dr. Talat Mohammadi


Background: Dentine hypersensitivity is generally explained as an exaggerated response to non-noxious sensory stimuli. It is known that the number of occluding open tubules is inversely proportional to the intensity of hypersensitivity recorded. Several compounds have been proposed for the management of dentin hypersensitivity. In the recent past the use of natural products as an alternative to conventional ones has been encouraged. Propolis commonly also known as bee glue, is a resinous substance obtained from beehives. It is known to have antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory activity. Aims and Objectives: To evaluate and compare, in vitro the dentinal tubule occluding effect of two commercially available dentifrices containing Propolis and Potassium Nitrate using scanning electron microscope. Methodology: 30 caries free surgically extracted maxillary and mandibular single rooted teeth were selected for the study. Normal saline at room temperature was used to store the teeth. Gross debris was removed and teeth were sectioned using a diamond disc to obtain the specimens. Specimens were divided into three groups; control, Propolis and potassium nitrate groups, consisting of 10 specimens each. The specimens were etched with 37% phosphoric acid for 2 minutes and rinsed with distilled water. Dentifrices were applied for 7 consecutive days for 2 minutes each. Tubule occlusion was assessed by Scanning Electron Microscope. Results: Adequate tubule occlusion was seen in both the groups as compared to the control group; whilst potassium nitrate group being more effective over Propolis group. Conclusion: Results conclude that both the dentifrices show positive desensitizing effect.

Keywords: Hypersensitivity, Potassium Nitrate, Propolis, Desensitizing Dentifrices.

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