*Mr. Suryawanshi K.S, Dr. Jagtap P. E, Dr. Dhone S.P, Dr. Nagane N.S, Dr. Belwalkar G.J, Dr. Bhandare V.S.
Aim: To study Serum Urea, Creatitine, Calcium and Phosphorus in all stages of chronic kidney disease patients. Material And Methods: In this study 175 of CKD patients. (35 patients of each stage) in the age group of 20-60 yrs, in which 117 Male & 58 Female will be included. will be included. Estimation of Serum Urea, Creatitine, S.Calcium and Phosphorus are done on AUTOQUANT 400i (Meril) fully Autoanalyzer. Results: S.Urea, S.Creatitine & S.Calcium Mean±SD values in I to V stages in CKD patients. S.Urea is significant in all stages (p<0.00) increase values in as compaired to I to V stages. S.Creatitine & S.Phosphorus in I to V stages is not significant. S.Calcium in I to V stages is significant (p<0.05). S.Urea, S.Creatitine, S.Calcium & S.Phosphorus values are compaired with standard and controls of kit. Conclusion: The bone mineral metabolism abnormalities start during 1st stage of CKD as renal furcation decreases long before the need for renal replacement therapy and can be positively or negatively influenced by the treatment. It is recommended that attending physicians monitor and control biochemicals parameters early in the development of CKD before the need for dialysis.
Keywords: S.Urea, S.Creatitine, S. Calcium, s. Phosphorous.
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