*Kankanamalage Nimali Achini Dharmasena, Aku Ramamurthy, Krutika Joshi and Gaurav Sharma
Terminalia arjuna is an important medicinal plant used in heart related diseases since vedic period. It had shown cardiac protective effects through recent scientific validations as well. Cardiopulmonary endurance is a key element in the success of athletes. This study has focused to compile and evaluate the scientific evidence along with Ayurveda concepts to find out the capabilities of Arjuna as a cardioprotective ergogenic aid. Data was collected from online journals, grey literature and authentic Ayurveda books. Arjuna bark possesses a positive inotropic effect on the heart muscle, hypotensive effect, Brady-cardiac effect, and cardioprotective effect against oxidative stress caused by hypoxia. According to Ayurveda concepts, there are sub-parts of the key biogenic humours of the body; sadhaka pitta, avalambaka kapha, vyana vata are situated in the heart. Properties of Arjuna bark can make the balance of these components to maintain its functional and structural wellbeing. This significant property helps to protect the heart from extreme conditions and with rapid recovery. It is a marvelous benefit for athletes who are on regular strenuous workouts. Hence, Arjuna can be developed as a potent cardioprotective ergogenic aid for athletes.
Keywords: Terminalia arjuna, Cardio protective ergogenic aid, endurance.
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