Dr. Om Prakash*
Any disease that involves skin, hampers many functions and gives the person a hideous look. As skin diseases are perceptible to others, they are more painful for the patient and troublesome for the physician. Several skin diseases affect the person's psychological status and disturb the social life, thus patient have some kind of inferiority complex. In Ayurveda, skin diseases are explained under the common terminology “Kushtha” which implies exposed diseases. Skin disorder characterized by itching erythema, scaling, edema, vesiculation, and oozing. The involvement of Vata results in dry or blackish lesion of skin. However, itching in those affected areas is due to Kapha. Modern medical science treats these skin diseases with corticosteroids , antibiotic and antifungal agents.. But these medication may gives side effects like liver and kidney failure, bone marrow depletion etc.
The texts of Ayurveda consider Rakta dusti as one of the prime causes of skin diseases; on the other hand, patients may get relief after letting out the vitiated Rakta. Acharya sushruta propounds practical guidelines for Raktamokshana( bloodletting) and claims it as most effective therapy in half of the body ailments. Among various methods for Raktamokshana (bloodletting) such as Jalaukavacharana Karma, Prachhanna Karma and Siravedhana Karma, jalaukaavacharna Karma (Leech therapy) is considered as the ideal method to expel out the vitiated blood safely, quickly and effectively. So among all, now a days the jalokavacharana method practising more for bloodletting therapy.
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