Ifeanyi Anthony Egwuatu*, Vivian Onyinye Atuadu, Onyinye Mary Ozioko, Chiadikobi Lawrence Ozoemena and Thecla Isaac
Background: Chromolaena Odorata is used for its many medicinal properties, especially for external application as in wounds, skin infections, inflammation etc. The antidiabetic property of the aqueous leaf extract of Chromolaena odorata was evaluated in Wistar rats by inducing diabetes using a single intraperitoneal (I.P) injection of freshly prepared solution of alloxan monohydrate. Materials and Methods: 30 wistar rats weighing 150-200 kg were divided into 6 groups. Group A was negative control, Group B was positive control and was induced with 125 mg/kg of alloxan, Group C, D and E were induced with alloxan and then treated with Chromolaena Odorata extract at 100, 200, and 400 mg/bw. Group F was induced with alloxan and treated with 500 mg/kg of standard drug (Metformin). Animals with glucose level of 200 mg/dl and above were selected for the study. Treatment lasted for 21 days. After 21 days, blood samples were collected for insulin biochemical test. Blood glucose level was measured before induction, 7 days after alloxan induction, 14 days post induction/treatment and 21 days after treatment with Chromolaena odorata extract. At the end of the study, all of the animals of experiment were sacrificed for histopathological and biochemical examination. Result: Histopathological examination of the stained sections showed regeneration of β-cells of islets of pancreas of group C, D and E Chromolaena odorata-treated rats and the standard drug-treated rats when compared to untreated diabetic group of rats. Conclusion: In conclusion, this study shows that the Chromolaena odorata leaf extract has potential anti diabetic action (especially at low dosage) in Alloxan-induced diabetic wistar rat and the effect was found to be similar to the effect standard drugs (Metformin).
Keywords: Chromolaena odorata; medicinal potential; antidiabetic; alloxan; metformin.
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