*Dr. Vineeta Gupta, Dr. Manesh Lahori, Dr. Jithendra K.D., Dr. Shailendra S. Chauhan, Dr. Satendra Sharma and Dr. Shailesh singh
Objective: Comparative evaluation of two different Cryospray Tetrafluoroethane & Hydrocarbon for depigmentation. Material and Methods: Twenty healthy patients aged 18 to 36 years divided into 2 groups selected on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Tetrafluoroethane & Hydocarbon cryospray was used for the gingival depigmentation, efficacy outcome assessed by Landry index and NIPC Pain Scales. Followup 1 week post-operative, 1 month, 3 month & 1 year has been done. Results: During the follow up , no side effects were seen for both the techniques .The statistical analysis carried by Mann –Whitney U test in which P value is not significant in healing index, however P value is found significant (P value <.001) in NIPC pain scale. Conclusion: Cryogen spray is easy, practical and inexpensive as compared to other techniques .Having the properties of zero depletion ozone layer of Hydrocarbon & better Pain scales over Tetrafluoroethane, Hydrocarbon is more superior & can be safely used. Further studies are needed to assess the long term effectiveness of the cryosurgical method.
Keywords: Black gums , Tetrafluoroethane & Hydrocarbon.
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