Dr. Meghana Narayana*
AharavidhiVidhana is one of the most important rules and regulations put forth by Ayurvedic classics for the attainment of the main aim i.e. maintenance of health in healthy person and curing the disease in diseased. These Aharavidhividhana should be applied along with proper diet. Wholesome diet if taken in improper way can lead to diseases. In the same way improper diet taken in proper manner may also lead to disorders. Hence, the equal importance should be given to type of Ahara along with AharaVidhiVidhana in maintenance of health and prevention of diseases. Diet or Anna can be considered as Samavayi Karana where as AharaVidhiVidhana being a kind of Karma or method is considered as Asamavayi Karana for the life entity. Both Ahara and AharaVidhividhana are helpful in getting good health and prevention of diseases. Thus Ahara is the Dravyabhuta Chikitsa where as Aharavidhividhana is the Adravyabhutachikitsa. All these Aharavidhividhana are dependent on each other and they should be considered collectively. By following of only one of these rules one cannot achieve the expected results. E.g. Ushna, Snigdha etc food articles should be used by considering the Matra, Both Atimatra and Hinamatra lead to ill health. Similarly Matravat Ahara if taken without concentration, with incompatibility etc does not give desired result. Thus importance of each statement should be considered, along with the collective effect, of all the statements. Thus both Ahara (Diet) and AharaVidhiVidhana (Dietetic rules) are equally important. Proper utilization of both maintains healthy condition on contrary improper utilization leads to various diseases.
Keywords: Upasthambha, AharaVidhiVidhana, Matravat Ahara, Upayogasamstha.
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