Dr. Divya Deepak Sharma*, Dr. Rahul and Dr. Ankush Kumar, Dr. Nitika Sharma and Dr. Rupali
Parikartika is one of the ano-rectal infection. Its references accessible in Bruhatrayees. The word Parikartika implies Parikartanavatvedana around guda Pradesh. It is additionally having the manifestations like consuming sensation, at some point expanding, draining from rear-end. In current science it can be related to crevice in ano. Here a case Report of a 28 Years-Male Patient having history of Parikartika from most recent 5 years. He was experiencing Gudapradeshikartanvatvedana (Excruciating agony), Gudapradeshialpashoth (enlarging at butt-centric district), Gudapradeshidaha (consuming sensation at butt-centric area), Malavashtmbha (Constipation), Saraktamalapravrutti (Stools streaked with blood) since most recent 10 days. By and large he got help from Modern drugs, yet this time prescriptions not give alleviation. He was treated with Ayurvedic medications, which give compelling outcome inside 3 days with Ayurvedic treatment.
Keywords: Parikartika, Fissure in ano, Ayurved.
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