Rakesh Mishra*, Ankita Mishra, Mukesh Tiwary and I. B. Kotturshetti
Menarche and menopause are two important milestones of an every women‟s life. Menarche is the first menstrual period and menopause is the period when complete menstrual cycle is ceases. These milestones are universal and show a mark of the beginning and end of a woman‟s reproductive phase. From the menarche to menopause, a woman‟s body undergoes a lot of physical, physiological and Psychological transformations. This physical and mental health can be restored through noninvasive method i.e. Yoga. Yoga plays the role of a healer for a new set of physical and mental changes in women. Most commonly performed Yoga practices are Asana (postures), Pranayama (controlled breathing) and Dhyana (meditation). Thus Yoga has been utilized as a therapeutic tool in order to achieve positive health and control, cure diseases. The exact mechanism as to how Yoga helps in various disease states is not known. There may be neuro-hormonal pathways with a selective effect in each pathological situation. Integrated approach of Yoga is effective in managing the healthy menstruation and menopausal symptoms and overall health of women.
Keywords: Health, Menstruation, Menarche, Menopause, Yoga.
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