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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Niveditha R.* and Janaki YS.


Kamala is a Pittaja Nanathmaja as well as a Raktapradoshaja Vikara characterized by yellowish discoloration of Netra, Nakha, Anana, Shakrit and Mutra. Kamala is of 2 types, Koshtashakhashrita kamala and Shakhashrita kamala. KoshthashakashritaKamala is both Paratantra and Swatantra Vyadhi i.e. It can manifest as a sequel of Pandu roga and also independently in Pittolbana person. Jaundice is the principal disease of liver results as an outcome of many hepatobiliary disorders. The incidence of jaundice is approximately 40,000 per 100,000 individuals of intensive care unit patients. Predominantly unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia has the similar presentation of KoshtashakashritaKamala. In addition to the pathognomonic feature, the peculiar nature of the disease is that it also causes severe fatigue in the affected individuals, thus leading to decreased work efficiency, it also has a collective impact on the society’s work outcome, as this disease is precipitated by the unhygienic food habits, housing and sanitary management in a developing nation like India. Keeping this under consideration an observational study was carried out to evaluate the role of Ahara in the aetiopathogenesis of KoshtashakhashritaKamala. A total of 51 subjects who were fulfilling the criteria for inclusion were selected for the study from the Outpatient Department of Kaya chikitsa, SJIIM Hospital, Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bengaluru during 2020-2021. The diagnosed subjects of KoshthashakashritaKamala were subjected to case proforma. The method of survey was by a questionnaire enlisting Aharaja nidanas mention for Kamala in the classics. The study showed that among 51 subjects, all the subjects were excessively involved in most of the Aharaja nidanas. In the study it was evident that Pittakara ahara plays significant role in manifestation of Koshthashakashrita Kamala.

Keywords: Kamala, Kostashakashritha Kamala, Shakashrita kamala, Aharaja nidana.

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