Dr. Shruthi K. V.* and Dr. Rajesh Sugur
Urethral stricture disease is relatively common in men and with an associated period /229-627 per 100000 males, 0.6% at older men is associated with a significant financial cost and potentially debilitating outcome.[1] Data from medicare and Medicaid series (for patients older than 65yrs) confirmed and increase incidence of stricture disease at 9/1,00,000 for 2001 compared to 5.8/1,00,000 in patients younger than 65years. The mean age of urethral stricture person was 45.1yr. the mean length of stricture was 4.2cm with majority occurring in anterior urethra (92.2%) in particular bulbar urethra (46.9%).32% had already undergone more than one procedure and 23% uretrotomy. 97% required urethroplasty for management. This shows risk and reoccurrence rate even after surgical intervention and made to think alternative. In ayurvedic literature, uttara basti with any sneha is mentioned as a line of management and many clinical trials have been conducted. As uttara basti requires OT set up (Aseptic measures), an alternative matra basti with Chandanabala laksha taila was tried in patient having history of recurrent urethral strictures. The results found in the case was encouraging. the study was done in TGAMC.ballari.
Keywords: Mutrotsanga, Urethral stricture, Matra basti, Chandanabalalakdha taila.
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