Dr. Tridev Arun Patil*, Dr. Roshan Dhale, Dr. Satish D. Urhe and Dr. Yogesh K. Shewale
Ethics simply means that rule or principles or right to conduct. It involves the systematization, defending and recommending what is wrong and what is right for any individual or for the society. From ancient time, Sushruta Samhita is considers one of the finest & oldest source for surgeries in India. That‟s why Acharya Sushruta considers as father of surgery all over the world. Acharya Sushruta has emphasized surgical ethics in various chapters of Sutrasthana in Sushruta Samhita. An ethical concept is explained in sushruta i.e. various Sadavritta related to education & every day practice, surgical qualities; qualities & skills of surgeon, Yogyavidhi. Detailed review about the pre-operative, operative and post-operative conducts for care of patients and for creating ideal surgeon. Various ethics in emergency surgery and professional conducts & also detailed description of confidentiality about patients as well as quack practitioner. Importance of aseptic surgeries and the concept of sterilization mentioned in detailed in Sushruta Samhita. Physician with knowledge of many branches of science to get exact diagnosis and should try to learn throughout life with different branches of science. This concepts are even valid in present scenario in day today practice so this topic is very much important and high lightened in present era for better progression of new generation of medical science.
Keywords: Ethics, Shalyatantra, Sushruta Samhita, Yogyavidhi, etc.
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