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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Akshara S. P.*, Kavitha M., Pavithra S. and Sajitha P.


The overall aim of the review was to present and describe the prescription pattern, adverse effects of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance. This review discusses about the high risk drugs such as anthracyclines, Linezolid and fluoroquinolones are used to increase the likelihood of drug related morbidity and mortality. Patient factors in pregnancy that can increase the risk of drug harms include fetus death, growth retardation and congenital abnormalities. The prescribing pattern of antibiotics is used to reduce the irrational prescribing of medicines. Irrational prescribing of medicines results in serious morbidity, mortality, economic burden and it leads to reduce the quality of patient care. So, WHO has introduced indicators in three main drug use areas like prescribing, patient care, facility specific factors. The study discusses the disaster of antibiotic resistance as an ongoing international health risk with the side effects of antibiotic and highlights efforts to mitigate this complex problem. Now-a-days, antibiotic resistance has to become a rapid and major clinical problem to the worldwide population. The number of infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria is increasing, and the supply of new antibiotics is very limited. Generally speaking, Community pharmacists can play a potential role in providing consultation to patients. SHEA(The society for health care epidemiology of America) , IDSA(Infectious diseases society of America) and PIDS(Pediatric infectious diseases society) recommend that the centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS) require participating healthcare institutions to develop and implement antimicrobial management plans. The development of new antimicrobial stewardship programs for primary care and hospital by the department of health‗s advisory committee on antimicrobial resistance and healthcare association infection. These programs appear useful in reducing rates of antibiotics resistance. Antibiotic management has been revised the title,‖ Smart-Start-Focus‖ to encourage clinicians. Steps can be taken at all level of society like Individuals, policy makers, health professionals, healthcare industry and agriculture sector.

Keywords: Prescription pattern, adverse effects, antibiotic resistance crisis, antimicrobial stewardship programs, pharmacist role.

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 h-index  18  17
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