Kavya J. H.* and Rajesh Sugur
Ayurveda, the holistic science has given a special attention and regard to cow products viz. Ksheera (milk), Dadhi (curd), Ghrita (ghee), Mutra (urine) and Gomaya(dung) in the treatment and prevention of diseases as both food and medicine. Karisha Pinda Sveda is a type of Ruksha Sankara Sveda where in bolus of Karisha (Cowdung) is used for fomentation. Svedana (fomentation) is an external therapeutic procedure most commonly used as Purvakarma (pre - operative) procedure before Panchakarma therapy and also used as Pradhana Karma. Svedana relieves stiffness, heaviness and coldness in the body. After Svedana, body starts to perspire, and gives the feeling of lightness. Sankara Sveda is one of the types of Sagni Sveda in which the materials are with or without tied in a cloth and used for Svedana. Pinda Sveda is based on the Principles of Sankara Sveda. Karisha Pinda Sveda is a Ruksha type of Pindasveda in which dried powders of cow dung is roasted in a pan and made into a bolus by tying in the cloth. The prepared bolus is used for fomentation on the body by frequently heating it. Karisha Pinda Sveda is practised as Shamananga Sveda in Trikashula, Amavata, and in presence of Ama and vitiated Kapha. It can be done for whole body or locally on a specific part.
Keywords: Svedana, Karisha Pinda Sveda, Ruksha Sveda, Shamananga Sveda.
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