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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



*Dr. Pankhudi Gupta and Dr. Anju Chandra


Gall bladder carcinoma is considered as the fifth most common gastro-intestinal neoplasm and most common biliary tract malignancy in world. Spread of gall bladder carcinoma (GBC) to the liver parenchyma and the adjacent internal organs is due to lack of serosa in gall bladder wall and cholecystic veins draining into liver portal vein. Also, Incidence of Gall bladder cancer shows striking geographical predilections, with highest figures found in India and Chile and relatively low level seen in many western countries. Regulatory peptide receptors have now attracted interest of oncologists as a new promising approach for cancer pathology, imaging and therapy. CCKAR encodes a G-protein-coupled receptor that binds cholecystokinin (CCK) family of peptide hormones and also is a major physiological mediator of pancreatic growth and enzyme secretion, smooth muscle contraction of the gallbladder and stomach. Although cholecystokinin (CCK) is a potent modulator of gallbladder contractility and plays a potential role in pancreatic carcinogenesis through CCK type-A receptor (CCKAR), its role in gallbladder cancer (GBC) is still unknown and immunohistochemical detection of CCKAR in the gallbladder has been less evaluated. The aim of study is to compare expression of CCKAR in neoplastic and non neoplatic lesions of gall baldder. This case-control study included 100 samples: 50 from GBC and 50 from Chronic cholecystitis. Expression of CCKAR was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. There was a significant difference in CCKAR expression between chronic cholecystitis and GBC. So, it has future prognostic and therapeutic implications in the management of GBC.

Keywords: Cholecystokinin, cholecystokinin type-A receptor, gallbladder cancer, chronic cholecystitis.

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