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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



*Dr. Jeena Rajeevan T. and Dr. Sanganor Smita Laxman Rao


Sciatica is a clinical condition characterized by low back ache with pain radiating to either lower limb. It can be associated with numbness or paresthesia of lower extremities. Not all cases of lower back ache can be termed as sciatica, but all the cases of sciatica will have lower back ache. In the modern world, because of the daily grind and household chores, lower back problems have become a common occurrence. Considering sciatica as an autonomous illness, it is generally a typical condition with the life time occurrence fluctuating from 1.6– 43.4%. (2) It is an agonizing condition influencing the low back region with radiating pain towards legs, either one leg or bilaterally. In Ayurveda, these manifestations have similarities with that of the disease Gridhrasi. The Vyaktha Stana of Gridrasi is Adha Kaya starting from Kati region and Uru, Janu, Janga and Pada which is also the Stana of Vayu. So Basti can be adopted as best treatment opinion. In the Samprapti of Gridrasi Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Medas, Asti, Majja, Dhatus are affected. To manage vitiated Doshas that are situated in Asthi, and Majja Dhathu Acharya have advocated giving nine to ten Basti. Hence Nirgundi kashaya Bastti in Kala Basti schedule was selected. TENS is physio-Therapy modality which will provide electric nerve stimulation to affected region and helps to relieve pain and muscular spasm. For getting better result in the management of sciatica TENS physiotherapy also considered along with Basti in 2nd group. Methodology: A comparative clinical study done on 40 subjects of both sexes between the age group of 20-60years of age who randomly assigned to 2 groups, namely Group A where Nirgundi Kashaya Basti in Kalabasti schedule was given and in GroupB a course of Nirgundikashayabasti in kalabasti schedule along with TENS physiotherapy was given. Result: Even though both groups provide statistically significant results, the percentage of relief was observed more in group B, overall result was 81.67%.

Keywords: Gridrasi, sciatica, Basti, Nirgundi Kashaya Basti, TENS physiotherapy.

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