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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Dr. Deepthi S.L.* and Dr. Kiran Kumar S.S.


Vataraktha, the disease name itself indicates is caused by aggravated Vata and vitiated Rakta by their own causative factors. Vataraktha is explained after Vatavyadhi chikitsa because it is considered as a special type of Vatavyadhi. In Vataraktha particular etiological factors of Vata dosha and Raktha dhathu individually cause the vitiation of Vatadosha, simultaneously abnormalities of Raktadhathu, leading to prakopa of Vata and dushti of Rakta. Abnormal state of Vata and Raktha obstruct the path of each other and both Vata and Rakta combines each other and the abnormality become more and produces the lakshanas of Vataraktha. The disorders affecting the locomotor and vascular systems are increasingly seen in present era. These conditions considerably reduce the human activities in terms of social and professional life. The prognosis of this disease is always inclined towards incurability when neglected or not taken care off in its early stages of the disease. If it is not taken care properly it leads to vaikalya. So it is very essential to cure this disease in its early stages or in the purvaroopaavasta only. The bhrihatrayees have mentioned distinct purvaroopas for this disease. The incidence of this disease very common due to improper life style and improper food habits. Hence the knowledge and sensitization about the earlier signs and symptoms of vatarakta become prerequisites in its management. Thus, the present study aims to shed fresh light on the Purvarupa of Vataraktha for the early and easy diagnosis which ensures the timely treatment of it.A minimum of 80 patients who were fulfilling the criteria for diagnosis and inclusion were selected for the study randomly, irrespective of gender, religion and educational/professional/economic status from the OPD and IPD of Roganidana, SJIIM Hospital, Govt. Ayurveda Medical College, Bengaluru during 2020-2021. A special pro forma was prepared with details of history taking, physical signs and symptoms as mentioned in the Ayurvedic classics.This study was done using a structured questionnaire: A checklist of the compendium of the Purvarupas, unanimously told by the Bruhattrayes.

Keywords: Vata, Rakta, Vatarakta, Uttana Vatarakta, gambheera Gambheera Vatarakta.

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