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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Dr. Santosh Kumar M. Arjunagi* and Dr. Arun B. Jainer


In recent decades, lifestyle is an important factor of health. According to WHO, 60% of related factors to individual health and quality of life are correlated to life-style. Gridhrasi (Sciatica) is one of the 80 types of Vatavyadhi. Considering signs and symptoms, Gridhrasi can be correlated with Sciatica. It is a Ruja Pradhana (Painful)Vatavyadhi i.e., PAIN, which makes the patient difficult to walk; hampering the daily routine of the individual, hence it is necessary to adopt fast management for the same. In this regard few Ayurvedic para-surgical procedures, which are very effective, simple, safe and economic in nature can became handy for AYURVEDIC PHYSICIANS. Agnikarma is one of such procedures. Sushrut acharya mentioned Agnikarma chikitsa in the management of Pain (Ruja) by Vitiated Vata (Prakupita Vata) Dosha in Twak (Skin). Mamsa (Muscle), Sira (Vessels), Snayu (Ligaments), Sandhi (Joints), and Asthi (Bone). Acharya Charak has not described it in separate chapter but has described it as one of the treatment measures in different Vatavyadhis (Neuromusculoskeletal Disorders) such as Gridhrasi (sciatica). Thus, the objective of present study was to evaluate the efficacy of Snigdha Agnikarma in case of Gridhrasi & thus improve the daily routine of affected individual. Open study was performed in SDM Hospital at OPD & IPD level, patients were registered for study after taking written informed consent. 30 cases present with classical features of Gridhrasi as given in text were selected from OPD & IPD of SDMIAH Bangalore, and were managed by procedure of Snigdha Agnikarma. Data was collected & observations were made before treatment, daily basis (Seven Days), on 14th day, & 21st day of treatment. There was a highly significant reduction in the parameters like pain, stiffness and increased in walking distance. Visual Pain Analogue Scale was used for analysis of overall effect of treatment.

Keywords: Snigdha Agnikarma, Gridhrasi, Sciatica.

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