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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Dr. Abul Bashar*, Dr. Abul Ishrat, Dr. Nusrat Khan, Dr. ASM Shahidullah and Dr. Subir Kumar Nondi


Background: Noise has been shown to fragment sleep, reduce sleep continuity, and reduce total sleep time, Sleep is biological imperative and a very active process that serves several vital functions. Undisturbed sleep of sufficient length is essential for daytime alertness and performance, quality of life, and health. Methodology: A cross sectional study was carried out to find occupational noise exposure in Dhaka Airport Area about 100 people. For noise measurements, a Noise Level Analyzer was used. Three measurements were per formed at daytime (between 9 and 10:30 am, 2 and 3:30 pm, and 6 and 7:30 pm) and two at night (between midnight and 1:30 and 5:00 am). Equivalent noise level (Leq) were automatically calculated as continuous steady noise levels that would have the same total Aweighted acoustic energy like the real fluctuating noise measured over the same period. Result: Majority 35(35.0%) patients had sound level 55-60 dB (LAeq,24 hour) followed by 21(21.0%) 60-65 dB (LAeq,24 hour), 19(19.0%) <55 dB (LAeq,24 hour), 17(17.0%) 65-70 dB (LAeq,24 hour), and 8(8.0%) had >70 dB (LAeq,24 hour). Regarding cardiovascular effect. 15(15.0%) had myocardial infarction, 13(13.0%) hypertension, 9(9.0%) ischemic heart disease, 5(5.0%) stroke, Regarding psychological effects 12(12.0%) had depression, 7(7.0%) anxiety, 3(3.0%) fatigue, 2(2.0%) primary insomnia and 2.(2.0%) impaired concentration. Regarding other effects ware 7(7.0%) headache, 4(4.0%) visual or hearing impairment, 3(3.0%) obstructive sleep apnoea, 2(2.0%) effect on birth weight. Conclusion: The study evaluated the level of annoyance and sleep disturbance that is perceived by the residents of Airport to Ashkuna Area. It was also provide information about the various sources of environmental noise perceived by the dwellers. It is to estimate any association between noise exposure and annoyance or sleep disturbance.

Keywords: Sleep disturbance, Noise Level Analyzer, anxiety.

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