Shriyanka Mishra, Himani Nautiyal* and Sanjay Singh
A higher percent range of reproductive age women (about 5.6-21.3%) are having Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Dysfunction in ovaries and mbalances in hormones are resulted due to this PCOS condition. Hirutism, menstrual rregularities, acne, nfertility and alopecia are some magnified clinical symptoms due to PCOS. in this not only endocrine functions are altered but also psychological and reproductive system s also affected. Physical appearance and self-image of PCOS women gets affected by acne, hirsutism and obesity like conditions. Depression and sexual dissatisfaction like problems might also be developed due to PCOS. In the pathogenesis of PCOS compensatory hyperinsulinemia and nsulin resistance play a significant role. This review article briefly discusses correlation of psychological alterations such as depression, anxiety, social fears and stress with PCOS. Various studies showed that adolescents are also mentally stressed at a more than normal level due to PCOS. Different psychopharmacological agents showed beneficial effects in psychic problems due to PCOS but not so much. Various case studies on psychological alterations showed higher prevalence of psychological disturbances. After studying and evaluating various journal articles and things from other sources t s suitable to say that problems are arising due to PCOS such as depression, anxiety etc. These problems can be recovered by screening or by further treatment measures. Approaching a psychiatrist may also be helpful for such people.
Keywords: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Psychological, Stress, Depression, Alterations.
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