Vd. Aishwarya S. Bhosale* and Dr. S. D. Rokade
Ayurveda is also a science of medicine, along with spiritual science. In it there is a description of many topics related to spirituality such as Mana, Atma, Parmatma, Adhyatmika Guna, Adhytmika Dravya, etc. Bestides this, Yoga Shastra, the Sukshma sharir is the part of our body and it is the moderator of the whole body. The person can’t see or touch it, because it is the energy flow of our body. This is the reason it is called “Urja Nikaya”. There are such key points in the Sukshma sharira that is known as energy centre or Chakras. The chakras have been known by Yogis, Rishis, and sages of various traditions of Yoga in India and all over the world. They have been seen, not by physical dissection of the body, but by psychic introspection. Chakras are energy centers in the body that play an important role in our physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Our body has seven major Chakras. The six main Chakras located along the spinal column are: Muladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha and Ajna. Beyond the six are two other centres of awakening: Bindu and Sahastrara, whose perception is acquired only at significantly evolved states of consciousness. These six Chakras are situated along the spine and each has special function. These are psychic center of the Sukshma sharir governing a group of functions. From the knowledge of these centers, the great science of Kundalini Yoga has developed, which is concerned with awakening the Chakras.
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