Dr. Suravy Akhter*
Objective: In this study our main goal is to evaluate the impact of covid-19 and pandemic situation on nutritional status and birth outcome of pregnant women life in Bangladesh. Method: This cross sectional study was conducted at tertiary medical college and hospital from June 2020 to august 2021 where 150 postpartum women after delivery of baby were included as a sample population. A detailed clinical history and examination finding was collected from 8 to 40 weeks gestational period by studying medical documents and history using a standardized proforma, where all patients provided with a telemedicine system. In addition, after giving birth, delivery outcome was also noted. Results: According to the study, majority of the patients belong to 27-31 years age group and 60% belong to multigravida. Majority of pregnant women visit ANC less than 4 times, 75%. Besides that, 35% cases belong to acceptable level where as 37% were belong to Underweight and 28% cases had overweight BMI status. In addition, 55% cases were suffered from moderate iron deficiency, 11% had folate deficiency, 25% had vit-D deficiency, 11% Vit-B12 had deficiency and 60% suffered from anemia in early pregnancy. 35% pregnant women took folic acids and 20% took calcium supplements. Also,45% had low dietary diversity. However, there is no complication has been noted besides that, however 65% cases delivered normally and preterm birth seen in 11% cases. Conclusion: From our study we can say that due to pandemic situation and low number ANC visit also review responsible malnutrition (micronutrient deficiencies) of pregnant women which ultimately causes preterm birth cases. Establishing local hospital guidelines can help regulate safe services provided to pregnant women and their new-born during this COVID-19 era.
Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic, pregnant women, malnutrition.
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