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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Dr. Proshanta Kumar Pondit*, Dr. Al Fatah Al Adiluzzaman, Dr. Purabi Barman, Dr. Muhammad Anamul Hoque, Dr. Md. Montashim Morshed


Background: The high number of disability-adjusted life-years lost due to stroke (485 per 10000 people) shows that stroke severely impacts the economy of Bangladesh. Stroke is broadly classified as ischaemic and haemorrhagic which constitute approximately 80 and 20 percent of total stroke patients respectively. Objectives: To access the partial demographic variables and important risk factors of stroke patients. Methods: This was a hospital based observational follow up study conducted on one hundred patients with spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage, admitted into Dhaka Medical College and Hospital. Results: Mean age of the patients was 66,9 ± 11.9 years. Fifty seven percent were males, forty three percent were females. Majority of the patients were from rural areas, muslims and monthly income of Taka 10,000 or less. Headache and hemiparesis/plegia were the most frequent presenting features. Most of the cases were hypertensive haemorrhages (71 percent). Regarding outcome, disability (mRS >2) at the end of first week was 71%. Overall mortality within this period was twenty two (22%). Some important risk factors of spontaneous ICH detected in this study. Hypertension was found in 71% of patients. Smoking was a major risk factor in males (66.7%). History of DM, family history of stroke and IHD were found in both sexes. Of the risk factors, History of DM was observed to significantly higher in highest tertile of blood glucose compare to lowest and mid-tertile (p=0.004) and HTN was also observed to considerably higher in highest tertile of blood glucose compare to lowest and mid-tertile, although the differences were not statistically significant (p=0.09). The groups were almost homogenous in terms of IHD (p= 0.897) and smoking habit (p=0.780). Conclusion: The ratio of male hemorrhagic stroke patient is higher. Although living area, economic status and residence area may not be correlated with hemorrhagic stroke, age, habit of smoking and HTN may be arise as some potential risk factors for hemorrhagic stroke.

Keywords: Hypertension, stroke, ischaemic, haemorrhagic.

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