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An International Peer Reviewed Journal for Pharmaceutical, Medical & Biological Sciences

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European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research (EJPMR) has indexed with various reputed international bodies like : Google Scholar , Indian Science Publications , InfoBase Index (In Process) , SOCOLAR, China , Research Bible, Fuchu, Tokyo. JAPAN , International Society for Research activity (ISRA) , Scientific Indexing Services (SIS) , Polish Scholarly Bibliography , Global Impact Factor (GIF) (Under Process) , Universal Impact Factor , International Scientific Indexing (ISI), UAE  , Index Copernicus , CAS (A Division of American Chemical Society) USA (Under Process) , Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ, Sweden, in process) , UDLedge Science Citation Index , CiteFactor , Directory Of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI) , Indian citation Index (ICI) , Journal Index (JI, Under Process) , Directory of abstract indexing for Journals (DAIJ) , Open Access Journals (Under Process) , Impact Factor Services For International Journals (IFSIJ) , Cosmos Impact Factor , Jour Informatics (Under Process) , Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI) , International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF) , Science Library Index, Dubai, United Arab Emirates , Pubmed Database [NLM ID: 101669306] (Under Process) , IP Indexing (IP Value 2.40) , Web of Science Group (Under Process) , Directory of Research Journals Indexing , Scholar Article Journal Index (SAJI) , International Scientific Indexing ( ISI ) , Scope Database , Academia , 

 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief

Professor Valentina Petkova, (PhD, MPharm., MPH.)
Vice Dean of Foreign students education and International Integration,
Faculty of Pharmacy
Medical University-Sofia, 2-Dunav str.
Sofia-1000, Bulgaria


Associate Editor

Associate Professor Dr. Milen Dimitrov, (PhD, MScPharm, MPH-HMP)
Faculty of Pharmacy
Medical University-Sofia, 2-Dunav str.
Sofia-1000, Bulgaria

Editorial Board Member

S.No. Name Email Address Country
1.Prof. Dr. Dhrubo Jyoti Sen[email protected]School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Techno India University, EM-4, Salt Lake City, Sector V, Kolkata, West Bengal 700091, IndiaIndia
2.Prof. Dr. Rafik Karaman[email protected]College of Pharmacy, Al- Quds University, Jerusalem PalestinePalestine
3.Dr. P. Rajasulochana[email protected]Assistant Professor in Bioinformatics Dept., Bharath University, Chennai, IndiaIndia
4.Dr. Mohammed Riyaz[email protected]Associate Professor of Medicine, MNR Medical College, Sanga Reddy, Telangana, IndiaIndia
5.Dr. Sandeep Kumar Kar[email protected]Assistant Professor, Super Specialty Department of Cardiac Anesthesiology, Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research, and KolkataIndia
6.Dr. N. S. Neki[email protected]Professor Medicine Govt. Medical College, Amritsar, Punjab, IndiaIndia
7.Dr. R. K. Chittoria[email protected]Additional Professor & Head, Dept. of Plastic Surgery Jipmer, Pondicherry-605006, IndiaIndia
8.Dr. Jayaprada Rao Chunduri[email protected]Assistant Professor, Mithibai College, Bhakti Vedanta Marg, Vele Parle(W), Mumbai -56, IndiaIndia
9.Dr. B. Nagaraju[email protected]PhD Pharmacy-P’ Cology Scholar, Visveswarapura Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Near BDA Complex, BSK-2nd Stage, Bangalore-560070, Karnataka, IndiaIndia
10.Dr. K. V. Madhusudhan[email protected]Assist. Professor in Botany, Govt. College for Men Kurnool 518002, Andhra Pradesh IndiaIndia
11.Dr. K. Ramakrishna[email protected]Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, GITAM Institute Science GITAM University, Visakhapatnam-530 045, IndiaIndia
12.Prof. Lukshmy Menik Hettihewa[email protected]Immunopharmacologist, Professor of Pharmacology Chair Past Coordinator of the Bachelor of Pharmacy Degree Programme Faculty of Medicine University of Ruhuna Sri LankaSri Lanka
13.Dr. Ravi Kumar Chittoria[email protected]Head of Department of Plastic Surgery, JIPMER Pondicherry, IndiaIndia
14.Dr. Rafik Karaman[email protected]College of Pharmacy, Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, IsraelIsrael
15.Dr. Saad Salman Hamim[email protected]Asst. Professor, Pathological Analysis Department, Science College, Thi-Qar University, IraqIraq
16.Dr. Vaibhav Dadu[email protected]Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Principles, Government Model Ayurveda College, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, IndiaIndia
17.Dr. Mohanraj Rathinavelu[email protected]Assistant Professor, Division of Pharmacy Practice, Centre for Pharmaceutical Research Raghavendra Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (RIPER), Andhra Pradesh, IndiaIndia
18.Prof. Dr. Osmar A. Centurion[email protected]Professor of Medicine, Cardiology Division, First Department of Internal Medicine, Clinic Hospital, Asuncion National University Asunción, ParaguayParaguay
19.Dr. Ujwal Lakshman Yeole[email protected]Associate Professor & Head, Department of Physiotherapy, Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth Pune, IndiaIndia
20.Prof. Dr. Prakash.MMS.Kinthada[email protected]Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry GIT, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam- 530045, INDIAIndia
21.Dr. Mahshidsadat Hosseini Zare[email protected]Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Houston (UH), USAUSA
22.Dr. Palani Elumalai[email protected]National Research Foundation Fellow of Korea, Department of Chemistry & Biology, University of Ulsan, Ulsan-680 749, South KoreaSouth Korea
23.Prof. Dr. Subhranshu Panda[email protected]Principal and Head of Pharmaceutics Dept. Vikas College of Pharmacy, Putrela Road, Vissannapeta, Andhra Pradesh, IndiaIndia
24.Dr. Farah Naaz[email protected]Research Associate, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (C.C.R.U.M), Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of IndiaIndia
25.Dr. Tembhurne Ramesh Ramchandra[email protected]Assistant Professor, Sangola College, Sangola, Solapur, IndiaIndia
26.Dr. Prakash Prajapat[email protected]Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry Mehsana Urban Institute of Sciences, Ganpat University, Mehsana-384012, Gujarat, IndiaIndia
27.Dr. Namrata Singh[email protected]Asst. Professor in P.cognosy Dept., Shreeyash Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Aurangabad (MS) IndiaIndia
28.Dr. Santosh Kumar Manthri[email protected]Scientist-II in Analytical Research and Development of PAR Pharmaceuticals, Rochester, Michigan- USA,48307USA
29.Dr. Sushant Sud[email protected]Assistant Professor & Consultant Physician Shri Gulavbkunverba Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar (Gujarat), IndiaIndia
30.Dr. S. Krishnamoorthy[email protected]Assistant Professor of Biotechnology, The Madura College, Vidhya Nagar, T.P.K Road, Madurai - 625011, IndiaIndia
31.Dr. Mohammed Mohammed Abdullah Al- Ghorbani[email protected]Assistant Professor in Bioorganic Chemistry at University of Thamar, YemenYemen
32.Dr. Celestino Sardu[email protected]Department of Cardiac Electrophysiology, Giovanni Paolo II Research and Care Foundation, Campobasso, ItalyItaly
33.Dr. Parisa Yazdizadeh Shotorbani[email protected]Research Assistant, Department of Cell & Molecular Biology University of Houston, TX 77004, USAUSA
34.Prof. Dr. Swapnil Singhai[email protected]Professor, Kayachikitsa, Uttarakhand Ayurved University, Harrawala, Dehradun, IndiaIndia
35.Dr. Bhagwat B. Chavan[email protected]Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at JSPM’s, Jayawantrao Sawant College of Pharmacy & Research, Hadapsar, Pune, IndiaIndia
36.Dr. Amit Kumar Dutta[email protected]Professor & Head, School of Biological & Chemical Sciences, MATS University(UGC Recognized), Raipur Campus, Pandri, Raipur(CG)., IndiaIndia
37.Dr. Vasundhra Kashyap[email protected]Manager R&D Business Analytics, SHIRE, Lexington, MA, USUS
38.Dr. Bhuvaneswari Devi Chinthirla[email protected]Research scholar Dept. of Cell Biology and Neuroscience University of California, Riverside, CA, USAUSA
39.Dr. Kishor R. Chudasama[email protected]Assistant Professor, IPGT & RA, GAU, Jamnagar, Gujarat, IndiaIndia
40.Dr. Gaurav Soni[email protected]Assistant Professor, M.D. (Ay), Sharir Rachana, Department of Rachana Sharir North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy (NEIAH), Shillong, Meghalaya, IndiaIndia
41.Dr. Nihad Abdulateef Ali Kadhim[email protected]Assistant Professor, College of Agriculture / University of AL-Qasim Green - Department of Animal Production, Bebylon, IraqIraq
42.Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Y.M. Taha[email protected]Professor of Virology Head Department of Dental Basic Sciences Dental College, Mosul-IraqIraq
43.Dr. A. G. Rajalakshmi[email protected]Assistant Professor, SNMV College of Arts and Science, Tamil Nadu, IndiaIndia
44.Dr. Shivshankar D. Mhaske[email protected]Assistant Professor in IBSS Dr Rajendra Gode College of Pharmacy, Malkapur, Maharashtra, IndiaIndia
45.Dr. S. E. Ukwueze[email protected]Senior Lecturer at Department of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, NigeriaNigeria
46.Dr. K. Srinivasan[email protected]Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Food Science University of Pretoria, South AfricaSouth Africa
47.Dr. Zeinab Abdel Aziz Kasemy[email protected]Lecturer, Department of Public Health and community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University, EgyptEgypt
48.Dr. Ashok Behera[email protected]CSIR-Postdoc Research Associate Organic & Medicinal Chemistry Division, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Jadavpur, 4, Raja S.C. Mullick Road, Kolkata-32, Westbengal, IndiaIndia
49.Dr. Shantanu Solanki[email protected]Resident Physician, Department of Medicine, New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York 10595New York
50.Dr. Jithesh Madhavan[email protected]Associate Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa & PG Studies in Manas Roga Vaidyaratnam PS Varier Ayurveda College, Kottakkal Kerala, IndiaIndia
51.Dr. M. Rajesh[email protected]Professor & Head, Department of Pharmaceutics, Sankaralingam Bhuvaneswari College of Pharmacy, Sivakasi, Tamilnadu, IndiaIndia
52.Dr. Kashyap Nagariya[email protected]M. Pharma, MBA, Ph. D, NPIA, FIP, Cadila Pharmaceutical Limited, Trasad Road, Dholka, Ahmedabad, Gujrat, IndiaIndia
53.Dr. Amresh[email protected]Professor & Director, Goel Institute of Pharmacy & Sciences, Faizabad Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, IndiaIndia
54.Dr. Lamiaa Mageed Sayed Ibrahim[email protected]Researcher of Biochemistry, Biochemistry Department, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Division, National Research Centre, NRC, EgyptEgypt
55.Dr. Tushita Thakur[email protected]Consultant (Homoeopathy), AYUSH Wellness Clinic, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi-110004, IndiaIndia
56.Prof. Dr. Bharat Mishra[email protected]Professor & Head, Department of Pharmacology, Research & Development Cell, Nirmala College of Pharmacy, Muvattupuzha, Ernakulam Dist., Kerala, IndiaIndia
57.Dr. Hala Ibrahim Awadalla[email protected]Professor of Public Health in Medical Science Department, Institute of Environmental Studies and Research Ain Shams University, EgyptEgypt
58.Dr. Uttam Kumar Mandal[email protected]Associate Professor at Department of Pharmacy, Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University (MRSPTU), Bathinda, Punjab, IndiaIndia
59.Dr. Rajesh Arjun Ahirrao[email protected]Assistant Professor in P.S.G.V.P.M.s College of Pharmacy, Shahada, Dist-Nandurbar (MS), IndiaIndia
60.Dr. Ramprasad Nagaraj Rao[email protected]Assistant Professor of Medical Biochemistry, Department of Medical Laboratory Science, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Al-Quwayiyah, Shaqra University, Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia
61.Dr. Nirmal Singh[email protected]Assistant Professor & Head, Post Graduate Department of Chemistry, R.S.D. College, Ferozepur City (Pb.), IndiaIndia
62.Dr. Amit Baran Sharangi[email protected]Head, Department of and Plantation, Spices, Medicinal & Aromatic Crops, Faculty of Horticulture, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (Agricultural University), IndiaIndia
63.Dr. Sharad Maroti Porte[email protected]Assistant Professor, P.G. Dept. of Agadtantra, National Institute of Ayurveda Jaipur, (Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India)India
64.Dr. Viji M. O.[email protected]Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biotechnology, St. Joseph’s College Irinjalakuda P.O., Thrissur Dt. Kerala, IndiaIndia
65.Dr. Ibrahim Omar Saeed[email protected]Lecturer at the College of Science / Department of Biology, College of Science, Tikrit University, IraqIraq
66.Dr. Sandeep Madhukar Lahange[email protected]Assistant Professor, National Institute of Ayurveda, (Ministry of AYUSH Govt. of India), Jaipur Rajasthan-302002, IndiaIndia
67.Dr. Hongliang Zhang[email protected]Program Director in Neuroscience, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Shuangqing Road 83, Beijing, ChinaChina
68.Dr. Gaurav Soni,[email protected]Assistant Professor, M.D. (Ay), Sharir Rachana, Department of Rachana Sharir North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy (NEIAH), Shillong, Meghalaya, IndiaIndia
69.Prof. Ozgur Karcioglu[email protected]Dept. of Emergency Medicine, Univ. of Health Sciences, Istanbul Education and Research Hospital, Fatih, IstanbulIstanbul
70.Dr. Sarthak Das[email protected]Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research(JIPMER), Karaikal, IndiaIndia
71.Dr. Nitin Ujjaliya[email protected]Lecturer(Deputation) Dept. of Dravyaguna, Pt. KLS, Govt. Ayurveda College & Institute, Bhopal, M.P., IndiaIndia
72.Dr. Bassim Khamess Kouti[email protected]Al-Naser City - Nasirryia - Thi-Qar Governorate - IraqIraq
73.Dr. Hassan Abdel-Wahed Abd-Alla Shora[email protected]Senior Consultant Physician & Head, Inernal Medicine & Diabetes Center, Ismailia General Hospital & Senior Research Scientist, Port-Said University, Port Said, EgyptEgypt
74.Dr. Abba P. Obouayeba[email protected]Lecturer of Phytotherapy die and Natural Substances Pharmacology of the Faculty Agroforestry at the Jean Lorougnon Guédé University, Daloa, Côte-d’IvoireCôte-d’Ivoire
75.Dr. Ali Anok Njum[email protected]Assistant Professor in Samawa Technical Institute as a Head of Nursing Department, IraqIraq
76.Dr. Amer Alasadi[email protected]Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Basic Science, Nursing College-The-Qar University, IraqIraq
77.Dr. Ratti Ram Meena[email protected]MD(COMMUNITY MEDICINE): S.P. Medical College Bikaner, IndiaIndia
78.Dr. N. G. Raghavendra Rao[email protected]Professor and Director, GRD [PG] Institute of Management and Technology, 214-Rapur, DEHRADUN, Uttarakhand, IndiaIndia
79.Dr. Ajay Kumar[email protected]Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa & Panchkarma Govt. Post-Graduate Ayurveda College & Hospital S.S.U., Jagatganj, Varanasi (U.P.)-221002, IndiaIndia
80.Dr. Harshal Muralidhar Mahajan[email protected]Medical Advisor, Glenmark Pharmaceutical Pvt. Ltd., Corporate Enclave, B.D. Sawant Marg, Andheri East, Mumbai, IndiaIndia
81.Dr. Nazek AL-GALLAS Ep. ALWAN[email protected]Assistant Professor and Head of Research Committee at Biology Department - Faculty of Sciences- University of Hafr Al Batin- Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia
82.Prof. Hakan Buyukhatipoglu[email protected]Professor in Medicine, Harran University School of Medicine Department of Medical Oncology, TurkeyTurkey
83.Mr. Kian Navaee[email protected]Organic Chemist, Research and Development Department, Shahre Daru Pharmaceutical Co., IranIran
84.Dr. Anil Batta[email protected]Professor and Head Department of Medical Biochemistry at GGS Medical College, Faridkot, IndiaIndia
85.Dr. Dhary Alewy Al-mashhadany[email protected]Associate Professor, Knowledge University / Faculty of Science / Department of Pathological Analysis / Erbil, Kurdistan Region / IraqIraq
86.Prof. Anant P. Hardas[email protected](Indian Pharma Guidance Academy,) 52, Madhav Nagar, NAGPUR-440010 (M.S.), IndiaIndia
87.Dr. Nadeem Ul Nazeer[email protected]Senior Resident Department of CVTS SKIMS Srinagar, IndiaIndia
88.Dr. Harini G. Lakshman[email protected]Internal Medicine Physician from IndiaIndia
89.Dr. Shikha Singh Chauhan[email protected]Visiting Scientist (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Penn State University, University Park (USA)USA
90.Dr. R. Ramasubramania Raja[email protected]Asst. Professor, Narayana Pharmacy College, Nellore A.P., (Ratified by JNTUAAnantapuramu), IndiaIndia
91.Dr. Richie R. Bhandare[email protected]Assistant Professor in Medicinal Chemistry College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, Ajman University Ajman, UAEUAE
92.Dr. Philippe E. Mounmbegna[email protected]Senior Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Madonna University, NigeriaNigeria
93.Dr. Veeraiah Enturi[email protected]Scientist in the Formulation Research and Development Department in Quagen Pharmaceuticals LLC, New Jersey, USAUSA
94.Dr. Intisar Hussein Ahmed[email protected]Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, College Of Education for Pure Science, University of Wasit-IraqIraq
95.Dr. V. Dhanapal[email protected]Principal, Sree Sastha Pharmacy College, Chennai -123, IndiaIndia
96.Prof. (Dr.) Mahendra Pal[email protected]Founder Director of Narayan Consultancy on Veterinary Public Health and Microbiology, Anand, Gujarat, IndiaIndia
97.Dr. Yogesh Yadav[email protected]Assistant Professor at SMS Medical College, Jaipur IndiaIndia
98.Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari[email protected]Senior Registrar Medical ICU Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi, IndiaIndia
99.Dr. Charmi S. Mehta[email protected]Assistant Professor, Dept. of Kayachikitsa, Shri Gulabkunverba Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, IndiaIndia
100.Prof. Dr. Mullaicharam Bhupathyraaj[email protected]Professor of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, National University of Science and Technology, Muscat, Sultanate of OmanOman
101.Dr. Babar Ali[email protected]Assistant Professor & HOD, Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, Buraydah Colleges, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)Saudi Arabia
102.Dr. Arunima Karkun Sur[email protected]Assistant Professor in Amity University Chhattisgarh, IndiaIndia
103.Dr. Sankar Kumar Dey[email protected]Asst. Professor and Head, Dept. of Physiology SBSS Mahavidyalaya, West Bengal, IndiaIndia
104.Mr. Getinet Kassahun Azene[email protected]Lecturer, Hawassa University Medicine & Health Science College, EthiopiaEthiopia
105.Dr. Vanesa Huertas Carrera[email protected]Clinical Research Associate for Kleijnen Systematic Reviews Ltd., Unit 6, Escrick Business Park, Riccall Road, Escrick, York, YO19 6FD, UKUK
106.Dr. Shirin Saberianpour[email protected]Faculty of Advanced Medical Sciences, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, IranIran
107.Dr. Mohd Masih Uzzaman Khan[email protected]Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Pharmacognosy, Unaizah College of Pharmacy, Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia
108.Dr. Moyad Jamal Shahwan[email protected]Associate Prof. of Clinical Biochemistry, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Ajman University, P.O.Box:346, Ajman - U.A.E.U.A.E.
109.Prof. Dr. C.P Abdolrasoul Aleezaadeh[email protected]Full Professor and, An Authorized Associated Agent (An International Faculty), Brooklyn Central University – the U.S.AU.S.A
110.Dr. Jayendrakumar D. Patel[email protected]Chief Executive Officer and Director, Pyrrhic Pharma Private Limited, IndiaIndia
111.Dr. K. Rama Rao[email protected]Asst. Professor in Zoology, Dept. of Zoology, Govt. Degree College, Jammikunta, Karimnagar (Dt).505122, Andhra Pradesh, IndiaIndia
112.Dr. Giuseppe Merra[email protected]Adjunct Professor, Internal Medicine, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Rome, ItalyItaly
113.Dr. Ashwin Kuchekar[email protected]Associate Professor - Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University, School of Pharmacy, Pune, IndiaIndia
114.Dr. Ana I. Fraguas Sanchez[email protected]Postdoctoral Researcher, Tracers in Molecular Imaging (TRIM) Group, Department of Chemistry, Helsinki University, FinlandFinland
115.Dr. Smita Vitthal Patil[email protected]Assistant Professor in Department of Physiology, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University Dental College and Hospital Sangli (Maharastra) IndiaIndia
116.Dr. Mais E. Ahmed[email protected]Associate Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology and in the Department of Biology at of College of Science. University of Baghdad, IraqIraq
117.Dr. Shivayogappa S. Teli[email protected]Professor and Head, Department of Physiology, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Pondicherry 605107, IndiaIndia
118.Dr. Prakash K. G.[email protected]Professor & Head, Dept. of Anatomy, Azeezia Institute of Medical Sciences & Research [AIMSR], Meeyannoor [Kollam District], Kerala [India]India
119.Dr. Md Moshiur Rahman[email protected]Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery Department, Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Dhaka, BangladeshBangladesh
120.Dr. Sarita Pradip Gaikwad[email protected]Retd. Assistant Director of AYUSH, Pune region, Pune and Ex HoD, Ayurved Research Department, Sassoon general Hospital, Pune, IndiaIndia
121.Prof. Rakesh Sharma[email protected]HOD, Post Graduate Department of Kaumarbhritya, R.G.Govt.P.G. Graduate Ayurvedic College, PAPROLA, Teh. Baijnath, Distt. Kangra (H.P.) 176115, IndiaIndia
122.Dr. N. V. Prasad[email protected]Associate Professor in Mekelle University, Mekelle, EthiopiaEthiopia
123.Dr. Nitha B.[email protected]Assistant Professor and Head, Departmentof Biochemistry and Industrial Microbiology Sree Ayyappa College (TDB), Eramallikkara, Chengannur, Alappuzha, India- 689 109India
124.Dr. Swati Chaudhary[email protected]Assistant Professor, IIMT University, IndiaIndia
125.Dr. Sudip Kumar Mandal[email protected]Asst. Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Dr. B. C. Roy College of Pharmacy & Allied Health Sciences, Durgapur (W.B.), IndiaIndia
126.Dr. Meet Chauhan[email protected]Assistant Professor in the Department of Community Medicine, Shantabaa Medical College and General Hospital, Amreli, Gujarat, IndiaIndia
127.Dr. Krishnendu Pal[email protected]C.E.O of Krishna Agritech Industries, IndiaIndia
128.Dr. Naresh Rathod[email protected]Doctor, Resident Pharmacologist, Department of Pharmacology, Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences, Ballari, Karnataka, IndiaIndia
129.Dr. Atul Arjun Baravkar[email protected]Asso. Prof. & Principal, Shardabai Pawar Institute of Pharm Sci. and Research, IndiaIndia
130.Dr. Shaheen Khurshid[email protected]Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Govt. Degree College Tral, Kashmir, IndiaIndia
131.Dr. Adnan Mastan[email protected]Medical Officer AYUSH-Unani, Department of Unani, AIIMS, Raipur, IndiaIndia
132.Dr. Siddhi Tripathi[email protected]Associate Professor, Dept of Prosthodontics, ITS Centre for Dental Studies and Research Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh-201206, IndiaIndia
133.Dr. Gláucio Diré Feliciano[email protected]Doctor, West Zone State University Foundation (UEZO)/ Chemical and Biological Analysis Laboratory (LAQB), BrazilBrazil
134.Dr. Solepure Amarnath Baswantrao[email protected]Dean IIMS & R. Medical College Taluka Badnapur Dist Jalna, IndiaIndia
135.Dr. Ramnihor Tapsi Jaiswal[email protected]Lecturer Samhita and Siddhanta, Govt. PG Ayurveda College and Hospital, Varanasi, IndiaIndia
136.Dr. M. Senthilkumar[email protected]Assistant Professor, Vivekanandha College of Arts and Sciences for Women (Autonomous), Elayampalayam, Tiruchengode, IndiaIndia
137.Dr. Nethaji Ramalingam[email protected]Head & Professor, Dept. of Pharmaceutics, Devaki Amma Memorial College of Pharmacy, Chelembra, Malappuram District, Kerala-673634. IndiaIndia
138.Dr. Anupam Srivastava[email protected]Director, National Academy of Ayurveda (RAV), IndiaIndia
139.Mostafa Madmoli[email protected]Dezful University of Medical Sciences Emergency Medical Technician, IranIran
140.Dr. Ayesha Juhi[email protected]Associate Professor, Apollo Institute of Medical Science & Research, Hyderabad, IndiaIndia
141.Prof. Dr. Ihsan Edan Alsaimary[email protected]Professor, University of Basrsh, College of Medicine, IraqIraq
142.Professor Doctor Mohammad Shah Amran[email protected]Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Dhaka University, Dhaka, BangladeshBangladesh
143.Dr. Madhu C. Divakar[email protected]Principal & Professor, Mar Dioscorus College of Pharmacy, Trivandrum, Kerala, IndiaIndia
144.Dr. Ganga G.[email protected]Assistant Professor in Microbiology Sree Ayyappa College, Eramallikkara, Chengannur TDB –University of Kerala, IndiaIndia
145.Dr. Suvarna Tryambak Jadhav[email protected]Assistant Professor, D.Y. Patil Medical College Kolhapur, IndiaIndia
146.Dr. Mythili Bai K.[email protected]Associate Professor of Physiology, Dr. Pinnamaneni Siddhartha Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Foundation [PSIMS&RF], Chinnoutpalli [Krishna District], Andhra Pradesh - 521 286 [India]India
147.Dr. Mohammad R. Thalji[email protected]Assistant Professor in Physical/Analytical Chemistry, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, MalaysiaMalaysia
148.Dr. Pratik C. Parkarwar[email protected]Assisstant Professor OMR in PDU Dental College, Kegaon Solapur, IndiaIndia
149.Dr. Nehaben A. Gujarati[email protected]Postdoctoral Associate at StonyBrook School of Medicine, NYNY
150.Prof. Dr. Besa Shahini[email protected]Full time Lecturer of Applied Statistics and Research Methods, Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana, AlbaniaAlbania
151.Dr. Debarshi Kar Mahapatra[email protected]Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Dadasaheb Balpande College of Pharmacy, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur 440037, Maharashtra, IndiaIndia
152.Dr. Jaleel Ahmed Siddiqui[email protected]Professor, Dept of Basic Principles of Medicine (Kulliyat), Zvm Unani Medical College and Hospital, Azam Campus Pune, IndiaIndia
153.Dr. Syed Ayesha Fatema[email protected]Professor, Post Graduate Dept of General Medicine (Moalijat), ZVM Unani Medical College and Hospital, Azam Campus Pune, IndiaIndia
154.Dr. Pralhad Vinay Rege[email protected]Assistant Professor & Research Guide in Chemistry Department, St. Xavier’s College, 5-Mapahapalika Marg, Mumbai-400001, IndiaIndia
155.Dr. Praveena Raman[email protected]Senior Lecturer - Dept. of Oral Medicine & Radiology - Sathyabama Dental College & Hospital, Chennai, IndiaIndia
156.Dr. P. P. George[email protected]Professor and Head of Department, Basic Science and Humanties Department, Mangalam College of Engineering, Ettumanoor, Kottayam Dist, Kerala-686631, IndiaIndia
157.Dr. Hesam Adin Atashi[email protected]MD, MPH, Research Assistant, Medicine Department, Tehran Medical Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IranIran
158.Dr. Kaushalendra Chaturvedi[email protected]Sr. Research Scientist at J-Star Research Inc, NJ, USUS
159.Dr. Jay Kumar Sharma[email protected]Medical Advisor, Zydus Cadila Healthcare Ltd, Ahmedabad, IndiaIndia
160.Dr. Prahalathan Pichavaram[email protected]Senior Researcher, Department of Surgery, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN 38105-3678, United StatesUnited States
161.Dr. Penke Vijaya Babu[email protected]Research Scientist-II Position in Curia India Pvt Ltd, R&D, Chemical Development, Department, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, IndiaIndia
162.Dr. Upendra Prasad Tripathy[email protected]Scientist-B, in Pulp and Paper Research Institute (PAPRI), Rayagada, Odisha, IndiaIndia
163.Dr. Ritesh Suresh Bathe[email protected]Professor, Sahyadri College of Pharmacy Methwade, Maharashtra, IndiaIndia
164.Dr. Rajiv Joshi[email protected]Professor & Head, Department of Forensic, Medicine, G.G.S, Medical College, Faridkot, IndiaIndia
165.Dr. Satej Banne[email protected]M.D. (Ayu) Associate Professor, Parul Institute of Ayurved, Parul University, Limda, Vadodara, IndiaIndia
166.Dr. Jayanti Mukherjee[email protected]Principal and Professor, Shri Bherulal Pharmacy Institute, Indore, MP, IndiaIndia
167.Dr. Balaji Nagarajan[email protected]Principal Scientist, Apicore LLC, USA USA
168.Dr. Rajesh Dumpala[email protected]Research Scientist at Ajanta Research Centre, Mumbai, IndiaIndia
169.Dr. Dhanpat Mishra[email protected]Assistant Professor, Ayujyoti Ayurvedic Medical College, Sirsa Haryana, IndiaIndia
170.Dr. Moumita Hazra[email protected]Associate Professor, Head of Department In Charge, Department of Pharmacology, Pharmaco-Haemo-Materio-Vigilance Specialist, Mamata Medical College, Mamata Hospitals, Telangana, IndiaIndia
171.Dr. Rajeev Gupta[email protected]Professor, Medical Oncology & Hematology Department of Medicine, Sri Guru Ram Dass Medical College, Amritsar -143004, Punjab, IndiaIndia
172.Dr. Mamatha A.[email protected]Professor & NSS Programme Officer, Dept. of Pharmacognosy, KLE College of Pharmacy, Rajajinagar II Block, Bangalore 560010, IndiaIndia
173.Dr. Cristian-Catalin Gavat[email protected]Pharmacist and Chemical Engineer/ PhD in Pharmacy – Analytical Chemistry Domain, RomaniaRomania
174.Dr. Kumarappan Chidambaram[email protected]Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology College of Pharmacy King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
175.Dr. Zena M. Qaragholi[email protected]Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants, University of Baghdad - College of PharmacyIraq
176.Dr. Basil Sunny[email protected]Pharmacy Advisor in Boots Group of Pharmacy Northampton, EnglandEngland
177.Dr. Prakruthi G.[email protected]Assistant Professor, Dept. of Shalakya Tantra, IndiaIndia
178.Dr. Prasannakumar J.K.[email protected]Asst. Professor, Department of Chemistry, Bapuji Institute of Engineering & Technology, Davangere-577004, Karnataka, IndiaIndia
179.Dr. Abhay Gautam Mane[email protected]Minneapolis, MN 55455, United StatesUS
180.Guiomar Dos Anjos Correia[email protected]Member of the cardiovascular and thoracic surgery department at hospital complex for cardiopulmonary diseases- CDAN with a surgical record of more than 60 surgeries performed.
181.Dr. S. Angelin Teena[email protected]Assistant professor in tagore dental college and hospital, Chennai. IndiaIndia
182.Dr. Sachchida Nand Rai[email protected]Centre of Experimental Medicine and Surgery (CEMS), Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS), Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi-221005, Uttar Pradesh.India
183.Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Mahyoob Alburyhi[email protected]Professor of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Sana'a University, Sana'a,YemenYemen
184.Dr. Monika Ola[email protected]Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics, R C Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Shirpur, District – Dhule, M.S., IndiaIndia
185.Dr. Anusuya Patil[email protected]Associate Professor in The Department of Pharmaceutics, KLE University’s College of Pharmacy, Bengaluru, Karnataka, IndiaIndia
186.Dr. Mohammed Khudhair Hassan[email protected]Doctorate in Clinical Pharmacy, Baghdad, IraqIraq
187.Bushra Mushtaq[email protected]Professor, Islamic University of Science and Technology Awantipora Kashmir, IndiaIndia
188.Javaid Ahmad Mir[email protected]Lecturer/Tutor Government Nursing College GMC Baramulla,Kashmir, IndiaIndia
189.Dr. Pradeep Srivastava[email protected]Department of Hospital Administration KGMU, Lucknow, IndiaIndia
190.Husam Raheem Al-Hraishawi [email protected]Assistance Professor, Graduate School of Biomedical Science, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USUS
191.Dr. Anil Kumar[email protected]HOD, P.G. Dept. of Chemistry, Sahibganj College Sahibganj, Jharkhand -816109India
192.Dr. Amitkumar Virani[email protected]Principle, Scientist, Navinta LLC, Ewing Township, NJ.
193.Dr. Purushothama Reddy K.[email protected]Professor & HOD, Vijaya Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences for Women Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, IndiaIndia
194.Dr. Rahman Gul[email protected]Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy University of Balochistan, PakistanPakistan
195.Dr. Munish Kumar[email protected]Associate Professor Department of Agadtantra Dev Bhoomi Medical College of Ayurveda & Hospital, DehradunIndia
196.Dr. Shivaprasad[email protected]Department of Periodontics Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal Manipal Academy of Higher Education, ManipalIndia
197.Dr. Kumar Raja Jayavarapu[email protected]Professor & Principal in Mother Teresa Pharmacy College, TelanganaIndia
198.Dr. Thirunahari Ugandhar[email protected]Head and Associate Professor of Botany, Department of Botany, Govt Degree College, Mahabubabad (506101), IndiaIndia
199.Dr. K. V. Keshavaiah[email protected]Professor and Sugarcane Agronomist, Agronomist Zonal Agricultural Research Station University of Agricultural Sciences Mandya, Karanataka 571 405, IndiaIndia
200.Dr. Dhaval Patel[email protected]Assistant General Manager - JAMP India Pharmaceutical Pvt. Ltd, Ahmedabad, IndiaIndia
201.Dr. R. Amuthakkannan[email protected]Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engg, National University of Science and Technology, Muscat, Sultanate of OmanOman

Advisory Board Member

S.No. Name Email Address Country
1.Dr.S.Vijayanand[email protected]Assistant Professor, Department of Lifesciences, Kristu Jayanti college(Autonomous), K.Narayanapura, Kothanurpo, Bangalore, IndiaIndia
2.Dr. Dwajani.S[email protected]Research Associate, Central Research Lab, Rajarajeshwari Medical College, Bangalore, IndiaIndia
3.Dr. Soumendra Darbar[email protected]Guest Faculty (Examiner cum Paper Setter), Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata-700032, West Bengal, IndiaIndia
4.Dr. Namita V. Nasare[email protected]Department of Neuro Psychopharmacology, Institute of Human Behaviour and Allied Sciences, Dilshad Garden, Delhi 110095India
5.Dr. Varshil Mehta[email protected]Medical Graduate & Researcher - Pvt Physician, MGM Medical College, Sector 18, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai, IndiaIndia
6.Dr. Rohit Sharma[email protected]Assistant Professor, Dept. of Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Abhilashi Ayurvedic College and Research Institute, Chail Chowk, Teh. Chachyot, Distt. Mandi (H.P.) 175028, IndiaIndia
7.Dr. Mohammad Arshad[email protected]Senior Lecturer, College of Medicine, Aldawadmi, Shaqra University, Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia
8.Dr. Biswa Mohan Sahoo[email protected]HOD & Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Vikas College of Pharmacy, Vissannapeta, Krishna Dist. Andhra Pradesh IndiaIndia
9.Dr. V. Ananthaswamy[email protected]Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, The Madura College (Autonomous), Madurai, Tamil Nadu, IndiaIndia
10.Dr. G. Vijaya Lakshmi[email protected]Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry University College of Technology, Osmania University, Hyderabad-500 007, IndiaIndia
11.Dr. Pradeep Kumar Soni[email protected]School of Studies in Chemistry, Jiwaji University, Gwalior (MP)-474001, IndiaIndia
12.Dr. Gaurav Tiwari[email protected]Associate Professor, Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology, Kanpur, IndiaIndia
13.Dr. Tulika Mishra[email protected]Asst. Professor, St. Joseph's College for Women, IndiaIndia
14.Dr. Niket Kumar Patel[email protected]Formulation Scientist at QS Pharma in PA, Wilmington, U.S.AUSA
15.Prof. I. Ponnilavarasan[email protected]Professor Dept. of Pharma Analysis KMCH College of Pharmacy Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, IndiaIndia
16.Prof. Kirthiram Krishnaveni Sivakumar[email protected]Graduate Research Assistant, Veterinary Integrative Biosciences, IndiaIndia
17.Dr. Kolli. Sunder Kumar[email protected]Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Annamacharya Institute of Technology Sciences, Hyderabad. Telangana, IndiaIndia
18.Dr. Amit Kumar[email protected]Formulation Scientist at QS Pharma (WIL Research), Boothwyn, PA, USAUSA
19.Dr. Sukesh Krishna Chaitanya Loka[email protected]Doctor of Pharmacy - MRIPS, Clinical Pharmacotherapist, Raje Healthcare Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad, IndiaIndia
20.Dr. Ummatul Fatima[email protected]Dept. of Statistics & Operations Research A.M.U, Aligarh, U.P, IndiaIndia
21.Dr. Vaishnavi B[email protected]Department of Biotechnology, VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, IndiaIndia
22.Dr. Ruchi Tiwari[email protected]Assistant Prof. Department of Pharmacy, PSIT, Kanpur, IndiaIndia
23.Dr. Pranay Wal[email protected]Dean Research & Development Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology, Kanpur, IndiaIndia
24.Farhan R. Khan[email protected]Applied Medical college of Science, Alquwayiyah ,Shaqra University, Riyadh,Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia
25.Dr. Tulika Tyagi[email protected]PACE IIT & Medical as Center Head, Kharghar and Biology Faculty in Foundation Medical Division, Navi Mumbai, IndiaIndia
26.Dr. K. Sangeetha[email protected]Assocaite Professor in Biochemistry, Govt. Villupuram Medical College, Villupuram, Tamil Nadu, IndiaIndia
27.Dr. Jagdish Labhubhai Kakadiya[email protected]Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Parul Institute of Pharmacy and Research, Parul University, Waghodia, Baroda, IndiaIndia
28.Dr. Shakil Ahmad[email protected]Research Scientist, Department of Cardiology and Pneumology Heart Center Goettingen, University Hospital, Goettingen, GermanyGermany
29.Dr. Biswajit Batabyal[email protected]Former Lecturer, Department Of Microbiology in Gurunanak Institute of Dental Science & Research, Panihati, Kolkata-700114India
30.Dr. Chris Thomas[email protected]Assistant Professor Psychiatry Nursing Saroj Lalji Mehrotra Global Nursing College Talhati, Aburoad- 307510 Rajasthan, IndiaIndia
31.Dr. S. Sathish[email protected]Assistant Professor and Head in Department of Automobile Engineering, Vels University, Pallavaram, Chennai, IndiaIndia
32.Dr. Lakshmi Pillai[email protected]Research Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Manit, Bhopal, M.P, IndiaIndia
33.Dr. Antonio José de J. Evangelista[email protected]Master and PhD Student by the Graduate Program in Medical Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Ceará-UFC, BrazilBrazil
34.Dr. Manoj Kumar[email protected]Demonstrator, Department of Zoology, St. Xavier's College, Ranchi, IndiaIndia
35.Vd. Rohit Mehta[email protected]Senior Medical Officer - Panchakarma; Vivekanand Medical Research Trust; Kayakalp (Himalayan Research Institute for Naturopathy & Yoga), Palampur, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, IndiaIndia
36.Dr. Swati Goyal[email protected]Visiting Faculty in School of Studies in Environmental Chemistry, Jiwaji University, Gwalior (M.P.), IndiaIndia
37.Dr. Gandla Kumara Swamy[email protected]Associate Professor & H.O.D Dept. of Pharm. Analysis Care College of Pharmacy Warangal, Telanagana, IndiaIndia
38.Dr. Myle Akshay Kiran[email protected]Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm. D), JNTUH University, Pratista Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, Durjpally, Chevmala Mandalam, Suryapeta, Telangana State, IndiaIndia
39.Dr. Teresa May B. Bandiola[email protected]Instructor A, School of Pharmacy, Far Eastern University- Dr. Nicanor Reyes Memorial Foundation, Quezon City, PhilippinesPhilippines
40.Dr. Asif Rasheed[email protected]Professor & Head, Department of Pharmacology, Deccan School of Pharmacy, Dar-Us-Salam, Aghapura, Hyderabad, Telangana, IndiaIndia
41.Dr. Dheeraj H. Nagore[email protected]Senior Manager- Research and Development Center, Ari Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., Pune, Maharashtra, IndiaIndia
42.Dr. Amit Gangwal[email protected]Director, Business Intelligence (Research & Analysis), Arogya Retail, Indore, IndiaIndia
43.Dr. Sabzar Abdullah[email protected]Assistant Professor, Prosthodontics, Dr Z A Dental College, AMU, Aligarh, U.P., IndiaIndia
44.Dr. Mohamed Farid[email protected]Science Academy of Experimental Researchers - Special Scientific Foundation, EgyptEgypt
45.Dr. Mohamed Osman Elamin Bushara[email protected]Assistant Professor, Faculty of Public Health, Umm Alqura University, Makka, Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia
46.Dr. Simanchal Panda[email protected]Associate Professor, Jeypore College of Pharmacy, Rondapalli, Koraput, Jeypore, Odisha, IndiaIndia
47.Dr. G. Dineshkumar[email protected]Senior Research Fellow (RSF), A.V.V.M. Sri Pushpam College (Autonomous), Poondi, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, IndiaIndia
48.Dr. Prashant Kr. Gupta[email protected]Lecturer, Lalit Hari State Post Graduate Ayurvedic College Pilibheet, Utter-Pradesh, IndiaIndia
49.Dr. Nikunj B. Patel[email protected]Assistant Professor, Conducting Theory Lectures and Practical for Under and Post Graduate Classes, Smt. S. S. Patel Nootan Sci. & Comm. College, Visnagar, Gujarat, IndiaIndia
50.Dr. RishiRaj Sinha[email protected]Intern, PDVVPF Medical College, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, IndiaIndia
51.Dr. Zahra Nassiri Toosi[email protected]Graduate Research Assistant, Torres Laboratory, Department of Biological Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USAUSA
52.Dr. Riya Agrawal[email protected]Intern B. D. S., Peoples Dental Academy, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, IndiaIndia
53.Dr. Srinath B.[email protected]Professor & Head, Department of Industrial Pharmacy and Controller of Examinations, Raghavendra Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, IndiaIndia
54.Dr. Prathyusha Pitta[email protected]Biologics R&D (Large Molecules)- Postdoctoral Fellow, IndiaIndia
55.Dr. Vishnu Rajan[email protected]HOD & Associate Professor, Department of ECE Sahrdaya College of Engineering & Technology, Kerala, IndiaIndia
56.Dr. Sampoornam W.[email protected]Lecturer, Dhanvantri College of Nursing, Pallakkapalayam - 637 303, Tamil Nadu, IndiaIndia
57.Dr. Krishna Kumar Jaiswal[email protected]Doctor of Philosophy in Green Energy Technology (Applied Animal Science) from Pondicherry University (A Central University), Puducherry, IndiaIndia
58.Dr. Nikunja Basini Pati[email protected]Associate Professor, Pulla Reddy Institute of Pharmacy, Hyderabad, IndiaIndia
59.Dr. G. Venkata Nagaraju[email protected]Assistant Professor, Department of pharmacy Practice, Koringa College of Pharmacy, Kakinada AP, IndiaIndia
60.Dr. Bhukya Ramesh[email protected]Senior Research Associate, Clinical & Medical Affairs Division, PHARMAZZ INC, Delhi, IndiaIndia
61.Dr. Shubhangi D. Mishra[email protected]Assistant Professor Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Government Dental College & Hospital, Nagpur, IndiaIndia
62.Dr. Riya Agrawal[email protected]Peoples Dental Academy – Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, IndiaIndia
63.Dr. M. Waqas A. Khan[email protected]Associate Professor and CEO at Johar Institute of Professional Studies, 34km Ferozpur Road Nabi Buksh Lahore, PakistanPakistan
64.Dr. Sushma Muchukota[email protected]Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Gautham college of Pharmacy, Bangalore.India
65.Dr. Tabrez Shaikh[email protected]Manager-ARD, Indoco Research Centre, Navimumbai, IndiaIndia
66.Dr. R. Sivasakthi[email protected]Professor & HOD Incharge in the Department of Pharmacy Practice, RVS College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Coimbatore, IndiaIndia
67.Dr. Mali Sandip Matu[email protected]Assist. Professor in Shalya Tantra Dept. at Sumatibhai Shah Ayurved College, Hadapsar, Pune-28, IndiaIndia
68.Dr. Sandeep Rai[email protected]Lab Oncology, AIIMS, New Delhi, IndiaIndia
69.Dr. Smita Amarnath Zore[email protected]Medical Literature Team Leader in Pharmacovigilance, Tata Consultancy Services, IndiaIndia
70.Dr. Sukhwant Singh[email protected]Associate Professor, SIRTS Pharmacy, Bhopal, IndiaIndia
71.Dr. Naveed Muhammad[email protected]Assistant Professor at Department of Pharmacy, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, PakistanPakistan
72.Dr. Atta Ur Rehman[email protected]Assistant Professor Public Health, Institute of Health and Management Sciences, Islamabad (Shaheed Zulafiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University Islamabad), PakistanPakistan
73.Dr. Prashant Tiwari[email protected]Senior Research Fellow (SRF), Siksha O Anusandhan (Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, IndiaIndia
74.Dr. Sanjay Bhatt[email protected]Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, S.R.M.S Institute of Medical Sciences, Bareilly-243202, Uttar Pradesh, IndiaIndia
75.Dr. Kiran Arun Suryavanshi[email protected]Lecturer, SMBT Institute of D. Pharmacy, Maharashtra, IndiaIndia
76.Dr. Sanstuti[email protected]MDS (Dept. of Public Health Dentistry) Buddha Institute of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Patna Magadh University, IndiaIndia
77.Dr. Vineela Parvathaneni[email protected]Teaching Assistant (Department of Pharmaceutical Science - St John’s University, NY)New York
78.Dr. Chirag M. Modi[email protected]Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Veterinary College, SDAU, Sardarkrushinagar-385506, N.G, IndiaIndia
79.Dr. Sidra Afzal[email protected]Research Associate, Institute of Biological, Biochemical & Pharmaceutical Sciences (IBBPS), Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS), PakistanPakistan
80.Dr. A. B. M. Mahfuz Ul Alam[email protected]Director, Quality Operations, ACI HealthCare Limited, BangladeshBangladesh
81.Dr. Rajni Sharma[email protected]Assistant Nursing Superintendent, Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital /MahamanaPandit Madan Mohan Malaviya Cancer Centre, Varanasi, IndiaIndia
82.Dr. Marilia Barros[email protected]Parenteral Science Technology, Research Investigator II, Bristol Myers Squibb, Drug Product Science and Technology New Brunswick, NJ, USAUSA
83.Dr. Shital Phuse[email protected]Research Associate, SSGM College of Engg, Shegaon, IndiaIndia
84.Dr. Rajni Sharma[email protected]Assistant Nursing Superintendent, Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital & Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya Cancer Centre, Varanasi, IndiaIndia
85.Dr. Sunita Lahkar[email protected]“Pharmacist” at Directorate of Health Service (DHS), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Assam, IndiaIndia
86.Prof. Nadia M. Hamdy M. ElHefny[email protected]Prof. of Biochemistry, Biochemistry Dept. Head Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University, EgyptEgypt
87.Dr. Shashikala A.[email protected]Associate Professor, Head, Department of Zoology, Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women, Bangalore, IndiaIndia
88.Dr. S. Azhagu Madhavan[email protected]Research Scholar, Department of Zoology and Biotechnology A.V.V.M. Sri Pushpam College (Autonomous), Poondi, Thanjavur, (Dt)., IndiaIndia
89.Dr. Owais Yousuf[email protected]Assistant Professor (Food Technology), Department of Bioengineering, Integral University, Lucknow, IndiaIndia
90.Dr. Dipan Saha[email protected]Senior Resident in The Department of Pharmacology in Murshidabad Medical College (Govt. of West Bengal), IndiaIndia
91.Dr. Sachin Suryakant Mali[email protected]Principal, Y. D. Mane Institute of Pharmacy (Diploma), Kagal, IndiaIndia
92.Dr. S. M. Sandhya[email protected]Professor, Jamia Salafiya Pharmacy College, Pulikkal. P.O, Malappuram, Kerala-673637, IndiaIndia
93.Dr. Ali Jaber[email protected]Postdoctoral Research Associate in analytical chemistry and pharmacognosy, RDMPN Laboratory, Faculty of pharmacy, Lebanese University, LebanonLebanon
94.Dr. Voggu Rama Krishna Reddy[email protected]Staff Scientist II, Bioanalytical Chemistry Covance Inc (US)US
95.Dr. Sunil Kumar[email protected]Postdoctoral Fellow, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Center, Gorakhpur UP 273013India
96.Dr. Charu Sharma[email protected]Senior Resident, Clinical Microbiologist, Government Medical College Kota, Rajasthan, IndiaIndia
97.Dr. K. Saravanan[email protected]Principal, Faculty of Pharmacy, Bhagwant Global University, Kotdwar, Uttarakhand, IndiaIndia
98.Dr. Bhanu Prasad Ranga[email protected]Sri Tirumala Flora, Jaipuri colony, Nagole-500068, Hyderabad, IndiaIndia
99.Dr. T. Velumani[email protected]Rathinam College of Arts and Science(Autonomous), Coimbatore 641021, IndiaIndia
100.Dr. Vamshi Krishna Jogiraju[email protected]Scientist in Clinical Pharmacology at Gilead Sciences Inc., CA, USAUSA
101.Dr. Ravindar Bairam[email protected]Associate Professor (Department Pharmaceutical Chemistry) at VIGNAN Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Deshmukhi, Hyderabad, IndiaIndia
102.Dr. Mostafa Madmoli[email protected]Dezful University of Medical Sciences, Emergency Medical Technician, IranIran
103.Dr. Mangla Nand Singh[email protected]Head & Associate Professor Dept. of Pharmaceutics DR.B.R.A. Pooja College of Pharmacy Gorakhpur, UP, IndiaIndia
104.Dr. Yogesh Tukaram Kotangale[email protected]Associate Professor, in Kayachikitsa Dept. at S.S.A.M. Hadapsar, PuneIndia
105.Dr. Debashis Dutta[email protected]Lecturer, Dept. of Food Processing Technology, MMGP College, Govt. of West Bengal, IndiaIndia
106.Dr. Dipali Saxena[email protected]Assistant Professor in Foods and Nutrition Department in Shri Vaishnav Institute of Home Science Shri Vaishnav Vidhyapeeth Vishwdyalaya Indore M.P., IndiaIndia
107.Dr. Harsh S. Shah[email protected]Senior Scientist, CFPC and DPD, J-Star Research Inc., 6 Cedar Brook Dr, Cranbury, NJ 08512NJ 08512
108.Dr. Mohd Rafiq[email protected]Associate Professor, Shadan College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad – Telangana – IndiaIndia
109.Dr. Pankaj Pradhan[email protected]Associate Professor Department of Pharmacognosy Swami Keshvanand Institute of Pharmacy. Jaipur, Rajasthan-302017, IndiaIndia
110.Dr. Ufaque Muzaffar[email protected]Medical Officer, Department of Health Services J&K, IndiaIndia
111.Dr. Mohamed Haniffa Mohamed Hafeel[email protected]Senior Lecturer Attached to the Department of Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib (Preventive and Social Medicine / Unani) of the Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Rajagiriya, Sri LankaSri Lanka
112.Dr. Sowmya G. V.[email protected]Associate Professor, Dept. of Oral Medicine & Radiology, Institute of dental sciences, Bareilly, UP, IndiaIndia
113.Dr. Somashekhar M Metri[email protected]Associate Professor in BLDEA’s SSM College of Pharmacy and Research Centre Vijayapur Karnataka-586103, IndiaIndia
114.Dr. Muhas C.[email protected]Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice at KTN College of Pharmacy, Palakkad, Kerala, IndiaIndia
115.Dr. Kirtimaya Mishra[email protected]Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Jeypore College of Pharmacy, Rondapalli, Jeypore, Odisha-764002, IndiaIndia
116.Dr. Bhavesh Bhavsar[email protected]Vice President of KriGen Pharmaceutical LLC (North Carolina, USA)USA
117.Dr. Praveena Raman[email protected]Senior Lecturer - Dept. of Oral Medicine & Radiology - Sathyabama Dental College & Hospital, Chennai, IndiaIndia
118.Dr. Gayathri Rajeev[email protected]M.D.S (Public Health Dentistry), College of Dental Sciences, Davanagere, KA, IndiaIndia
119.Dr. Prachi Jain[email protected]Senior Resident in the Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge at Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Pandit B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana, IndiaIndia
120.Dr. Moumita Das Kirtania[email protected]Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Adamas University, Kolkata, IndiaIndia
121.Dr. Bidisha Mitra[email protected]Research Fellow Dr. Benjamin Gewurz's Laboratory Department of Medicine Harvard Medical School BWH PLC Vice President Brigham and Women's Hospital.
122.Dr. Sunil Kumar Bishoyi[email protected]Asst. Professor in Botany, Model Degree College, Rayagada, Odisha, IndiaIndia
123.Dr. Yashodhara Varale[email protected]Assistant Professor & Head of Department (Environmental Studies), Dr Ambedkar College of Commerce and Economics, Wadala, Mumbai – 400031, IndiaIndia
124.Dr. Raju Ramesh Thenge[email protected]Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, Dr. Rajendra Gode College of Pharmacy, Malkapur, Maharashtra, IndiaIndia
125.Dr. Vishal B. Tambe[email protected]Assistant Professor, Pravara Rural College of Pharmacy, Loni, Maharashtra, IndiaIndia
126.Prof. (Dr.) C. Jose Gnana Babu[email protected]Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, T John College of Pharmacy, Bangalore 560083, IndiaIndia
127.Dr. Nikita Rameshwar Kulwal[email protected]BAMS MD Rognidan evum Vikruti Vigyana, IndiaIndia
128.Dr. G. Nageswara Rao[email protected]Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry Telangana University Dichpally, Nizamabad- 503322, Telangana State, IndiaIndia
129.Dr. Ashwini N.[email protected]Assistant Professor, Dept., of Roganidana Evam Vikruti Vignana, Adichunchangiri Ayurvedic Medical College, Nagarur, Bangalore, IndiaIndia
130.Dr. A. Sanjeeva Kumar[email protected]Associate Professor, Seven Hills College of Pharmacy (Autonomous), Tirupati-517561, A.P., IndiaIndia
131.Dr. (Mrs.) Meera C. Singh[email protected]Professor in Pharmaceutics, S.T.E.S.’s Sinhgad College of Pharmacy, Pune - 41, IndiaIndia
132.Dr. (Mrs.) Meera C. Singh[email protected]Professor in Pharmaceutics, S.T.E.S.’s Sinhgad College of Pharmacy, Pune - 41, IndiaIndia
133.Satbir Singh[email protected]Associate Professor, M.Pharm, PhD(P) Pt. L.R. College of Pharmacy, Faridabad, IndiaIndia
134.Shail Rakesh Modi[email protected]Ph.D., Pharmacology, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Worcester, MA, USUS.
135.Dr. Saravanan Krishnagowdu[email protected]Assistant Professor, Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Laboratory, Post Graduate and Research Department of Biotechnology, Arignar Anna College (Arts & Science), Krishnagiri – 635 115, Tamil Nadu, IndiaIndia

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Best Paper Awards

European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (EJBPS) will give best paper award in every issue in the form of money along witcertificate to promote resear activity of scholar.

Best Article of current issue :

Dr. Kartik Neog
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